Not many people have large bathroom, most of the time small bathroom or even tiny bathroom are the one available in most house. But that does not mean you cannot decorate your small bathroom.

Even when the space in your bathroom is limited, you can still decorate it to make it appear interesting. Of course, you need to be very careful with the decoration as you do not want them to appear smaller because of the decoration that you use.

Decoration bathroom that has tiny size really challenging as you cannot use the same method that you use in larger bathroom. The reason is because you need to be careful with the decoration that you use on tiny bathroom.

Do not worry as there are a lot of bathroom decor ideas that can be applied in smaller bathroom without having negative effect on the space. You need to remember that everything should be light and bright.

Bright color and light decoration can actually make small bathroom appear larger which is why it is a good thing to use. That is why, you need to see the bathroom color scheme carefully before deciding to decorate the space.

If your bathroom wall has dark color, try to change them into lighter and more neutral color. Then you can plan the color scheme better by integrating the other color into the background color.

Another thing to pay attention is to actually not to put too many items around the bathroom. Since the space available in the tiny bathroom is very small, this means you will need to fit all of the essential item into the space.

Thus, it is better to not put too much items besides what is necessary since it will make the bathroom crowded. If you need some small bathroom decorating inspirations, then you can try to check out some of the pictures that we have here.

image source : pinterest.com

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